You have a website, yes? You want to automate your Instagram Photos and / or Follower Count on it correct? This is how to get your Instagram “client ID” and “client secret key” in order to do so.
If you are on WordPress this information will either go in your theme’s option settings or a plugin you may have added on. We are using the “Divi WordPress Theme” combined with “Monarch Social Sharing Plugin“.
Step 1.) Login to your Instagram and go to
Step 2.) Click on the blue area “Manage Clients” link via the top right corner.
- If this is your first time logging in to the Instagram Developer section, it will prompt you to add your website, phone number, what you want to do (link your Instagram account to your website), and a check box to agree to their terms and conditions.
Step 3.) Click on the green “Register A New Client” button.
Step 4.) Pick an “Application Name” like: Website Plugin.
Step 5.) Write a short “Description” like: Link website with Instagram account.
Step 6.) Your “Company Name” can be your personal name or business you represent.
Step 7.) Enter your “Website” link:
Step 8.) Find your “Valid Redirect URI’s: This setting requires a very specific URL to identify your app. The URL that must be pasted here is the URL that leads directly to the Social Follow Networks tab in the settings inside your WordPress Dashboard.
- If you have the Monarch Social Sharing Plugin you get this URL via, log in to your WordPress Dashboard and click Tools > Monarch Settings> Social Follow > Networksand then copy and past the URL from your address bar. It will look something like this:
- If you do not have that plugin, try to contact your plugin or theme developer for more information about getting your “Valid Redirect URL” on your website for your Instagram account.
Step 9.) Put a link to your Privacy Policy. If you do not have one Either create one or put a link to your website’s “Contact Page” so they can contact you for it if needed down the line.
Step 10.) Enter a valid “Contact Email Address” so Instagram can reach your personally should the need ever arise.
The hard part is done!!! Click the green “Register” button after you enter in the words above it and wallah, you now have your Instagram Client ID. Next you click on the blue “Manage” link next to “Delete” (don’t click delete) and that will show you your Client Secret Key.
Use both of those to automate your Instagram Pictures and Follower counts on your website via your website theme options (if it has this) or an add on plugin like the one I use: Monarch Social Sharing Plugin
We hope this information has been helpful. Please let us know by rating this post below and sharing or commenting on social media.